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Time Line


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Here you'll find the events that already happened in the rpg. This page is for quick catch up if you are new or havent been in the rpg for a while.

11/30/01: rpg start
fighters: rex, katana, vacool, lain, kie, vegeta, kyle, and daniel.

11/30/01: the meeting
rex, katana, kyle and daniel meet eachother. rex and kyle fight for a while.

12/1/01: killa joins in the rpg
kyle and rex stop fighting and meet vacool, lain and kie. kyle and vacool fight for a while.

12/2/01: rex, katana, and vegeta meet eachother. kyle and vacool are still fighting. vacool goes ozouro and fires a blast at kyle. rex deflects it and katana goes ozouro and starts to fight vacool then rex distroys the moon light ball. vacool and lain fuse into lacool and blasts katana. rex gets enraged then goes all out and starts to fight with lacool. lacool and kie fuse to become hayabusa then he goes ozouro and fires a blast at katana. kyle goes all out and goes majin and starts to fight with hayabusa. then hayabusa defuses to vacool lain and kie. lain goes majin and fights majin kyle.

12/3/01: rex and katana get away from the battle feild and train some more.

12/4/01: lewa and clare join up with rex and katana in space. the fight stops between lain and kyle.

12/5/01: rhyno jions up with vacool, lain and kie.

Vamp saga

12/7/01: rex is the first to meet vamp in an attempt to save rex's friend lance from his death but lance is killed by vamp. vacool goes to find vamp because he sences his energy. vacool finds vamp and they square off but dont fight because rex's warship appers in the sky overhead. rex and vacool form an alliane to kill vamp. rex powers up to his max then merges with the shadowblade and uses dragonrage and powers up stronger than vamp. then rex and vamp fight.

12/8/01: rex and vamp continue to fight. rex and vamp go into a beam stand off(like when right before cell died in the anime) then both beams explode knocking both fighters back. rex demerges with the shadowblade then vamp knocks himout of dragonrage. katana jumps into the fight after she sences that rex is drained of his power and starts to fight vamp. vacool uses his moonlight ball move and katana transforms. then takes the upperhand. vamp distroys the moon light ball and katana detransforms and fights vamp some more. rex heals himself with a senzubean and watches the fight. rhyno, lain and kie fly to the battle feild. vacool flys into the fight. clare and lewa powers up to thier maxes then land next to rex and katana. everyone thats at the fight power up their most powerful attacks then fire them at vamp compleatly distroying him.

12/9/01: rex, katana, clare and lewa go to the planet vet and help fight a war between the sabers and the somolians. rex, katana, clare and lewa are holding their own. then a new wave of sabers parilazethem and bring them to their leader in an abandon broken down castle. the leader challenged all of them at the same time and rex, katana, clare and lewa all agreed and they started to fight.

12/10/01: the battle is brought to a halt when kyle and daniel arive. kyle blows up a quarter of the planet then daniel tells everyone about kyle then an ingured saber stumbles in and tells the warriors that kyle is returning to earth. katana, lewa, and clare transform into thier 1st level of power(ssj1, dragon). rex doesent transform just yet but he tells katana, lewa and clare to follow daniel and they do. rex transforms intohis dragon form then he continuse to power up useing his rage. his arura goes pitch black and he transforms into the legenary choas dragon. rex explodes with power and annielates everything but himself in the explosion. meanwile the others watch rex distroying everything in his uncontroled rage. clare drows and powers up her blade and tells katana and lewa what they had to do to get rex out of his choas dragon form. the palis guard for the somlians gives lewa one moonlight ball so katana and lewa could transform. they use the moon light ball and transform. katana and lewa restrain rex and clare slashes him across the scar on his chest causeing him to detransform to his normal form. rex is knocked out by this and clare katana and lewa are all drained of power. they are healed by the somolians and they all receive gifts from the king. rex, katana, lewa, clare and daniel get in the rex's warship and rex piolets it to the earth where kyle waits for them.